House of ink is about getting beatboxing out into the populous more. Through events, vlogs, classes, lifestyle awareness and any outlet that showcases what beatboxing is capable of. Join us for our second adventure at World Wide BBXFest in Maggie valley North Carolina. May 16th to 19th 2024!
Craft and food vendor application
House of Ink is all about the movement and progression of the BeatBox community. Through vlogs of how traveling to and from beatbox events as either a family with kids or with fellow musicians, you will learn easy tidbits to navigate the Nomadic lifestyle.
We will show the life of the BeatBox Parent and how teaching kids is one of the best ways to progress the community. Provide virtual classes to both teach kids and to have kid's teach each other.
The house of Ink is determined to not only provide the 'dojo' needed to hone your skills but also entangle more communities into ours and help create the new waves of music for the future!
Tanner Bassink
House owner
Bassink the Nomad here. I've been performing and battling for 6 years and in that time I've learned alot and been inspired to do more. I'm inspired to help progress the BeatBox world and keep it always adapting and collabing. As a father of 4 I've gain an insight into the future potential of music and it starts with showing our kids what they are truly capable of.